


这里有个免费报税网站汇总。我今年用的是CreditKarma Tax。为了保险起见,我把同样的信息在HR Block里也填写了一遍,在return金额上两者没有区别。但是HR Block在用户设计上还是比CreditKarma上稍强的。比如1099-B的信息HR Block会告诉需要的信息对应1099-B表上的哪个box。但是CreditKarma只有文字提示,有的时候和表中文字对应不上,造成困惑。另外,HR Block会告诉deduction为什么不能用而CreditKarma并没有类似的提示:在填完表后,看到对refund没有影响,不确定是不是填表哪里出现了问题。

Roth IRA Over Contribution

报税的时候发现我20年底的Roth IRA contribution已经超过limit了。我contribute了6000刀在Vanguard。但是,我的W2年底汇总下来,我的工资水平已经不允许我有任何的contribution。解决办法就是把Roth IRA里的excess contribution转移到我的Vanguard Brokerage Account里。操作方法follow Vanguard的说明即可(这是Vanguard的相关的FAQ)。一些额外的小知识:

  • 在填写Vanguard的excess contribution removal的表的时候,有问是否需要Federal Tax Withholding。由于我的Settle Fund里已经没有钱,所以我就选了No。在IRS对应的说明中,我看到 “Taxable income not subject to withholding – Interest income, dividends, capital gains, self employment income, IRA (including certain Roth IRA) distributions” 所以,我觉得这样选应该是没有问题的。
  • Excess contribution removal算是distribution。通常在到达退休年龄前,提前distribution是有tax penalty的。但是,IRS的官网上的说明有:“Withdrawals of contributions by due date. If you withdraw contributions (including any net earnings on the contributions) by the due date of your return for the year in which you made the contribution, the contributions are treated as if you never made them. If you have an extension of time to file your return, you can withdraw the contributions and earnings by the extended due date. The withdrawal of contributions is tax free, but you must include the earnings on the contributions in income for the year in which you made the contributions.“ 因为我是2020年make contribution,同时在2020年报税的时候要移除额外的contribution,所以我这种情况是没有penalty的。另附一个额外网站说明Roth IRA Complete Guide

Gift Tax



IRS官网上说“File Form 1099-INT for each person: To whom you paid amounts reportable in boxes 1, 3, and 8 of at least $10.“ 像1099-INT表上全是0的情况应该就不用报了。

Tax Amend

2022年,我收到了Vanguard发给我的1099-R。网上查了一番(ref1ref2)发现我是需要file 2020 Tax Amend。Credit Karma Tax已经变成了Cash App Taxes 但是电子Amend是不支持的。所以,我要手动填写1040X。一些填表心得记录如下:

  • Line 6 Tax。首先1099-R 2a Taxable amount是要填在1040里的4b的。因此要计算Line 6 Column C, 我首先看一下1040 Line16是怎么计算的。因为4b最终反映在1040 Line 15中。找出我2020年Tax return,发现我用的是Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet(当年1040的说明)。因此,根据1040X的说明,我在Line 6 methods写QDCGTW。剩下基本上就是照着1040然后在Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet中把税重新算一遍就好了。

After filling our 2020 tax amend, I owe taxes to IRS. There are a few questions:

  1. When should I pay? According to 1040x instruction, I need to pay within 21 calendar days of the notice. I have mailed my amendment without check to IRS office. Let’s see how it goes.

Penalty for late payment of tax.

If you don’t pay the additional tax due on Form 1040-X within 21 calendar days from the date of notice and demand for payment (10 business days from that date if the amount of tax is $100,000 or more), the penalty is usually ½ of 1% of the unpaid amount for each month or part of a month the tax isn’t paid.

2. How much should I pay? Based on 1040x instruction, there will be interests. I also learned about “abatement” (ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5) that I might able to apply if I received any penalties on this. A simple phone call on the number written on the notice will do.


04/25/21 通过Credit Karma E-file了Tax

xx/xx/21 收到了Tax Return